Review: The Arts Fuse

Sachs calls the film a “hybrid documentary,” with real-life stories told by middle-aged and elderly, Chinese immigrants presented in a honed, often theatrical, style rather than as verité oral histories.

Review: Boston Viewfinder

Lynne Sachs’ latest film fuses techniques of oral history and performance to achieve an impressionistic portrait of seven characters…


“Your Day is My Night” is a fascinating and innovative portrait of Chinese immigrant life in New York by Lynne Sachs. Sachs made the film through a lengthy series of workshops with Chinatown residents who became the film’s authors and performers. Most of the actors are retired people who have had some experience performing in amateur dance and theater productions, so they are comfortable as performers, without being overly polished.

Article: Toronto Ming Pao Daily

網上熱播:你的白天是我的黑夜 現正舉行中的多倫多影像媒體藝術節(Image Festival)將會有一部關於中國移民的故事。《YOUR DAY IS MY NIGHT》是一齣紀錄片,描述中國移民住在紐約唐人街的生活故事,針對個人和集體的經驗。導演Lynne Sachs簡單利用一張床化身成舞台,而故事焦點放重於工人階級,需要共享床位,互用的空間,把移民生活的最基本的障礙,透過戲中表演出來。首影將會在今天(4月19日)下午6:30於Art Gallery of Ontario上映。詳情可查詢:

Article: Your Day is My Night in the Toronto Star

Images Festival gets up close and personal this year by Peter Goddard, Visual Arts, Toronto Star – April, 10 2013 The public pulse is measured every way: from political polling to pondering why dance videos go viral. But at the avant-garde video extravaganza, Images Festival, it’s possible to reflect on how inward looking we’ve become […]

Interview: Cinevue Cinema Spotlight

Cinema Spotlight on “Your Day is My Night” by Lesley Yiping Qin, Cinevue, Asian Cinevision In How the Other Half Lives (1890), the seminal book of photojournalism, Jacob Riis documented in his pictures the living condition inside the cramped “shift-bed” houses at the Lower East Side, where immigrants shared beds to minimize lodging expenses. “The metropolis is […]