The Cageman dir. by Jacob Cheung

Scott Ng, the brother of our Production Manager and Translator Catherine Ng, is a film-obsessed radio personality in Vancouver, BC. He sent us this startling dramatization of life in a Hong Kong shift-bed house. At first it feels like an over the top B-movie, but then one realizes it’s full of grit and pathos.

Check out this fan-made trailer uploaded to YouTube. The Cageman dir. by Jacob Cheung  (1993)

“Housing has always been in short supply and consequently very expensive in Hong Kong. In this story, one group of people who have managed in their way to circumvent the high cost of living in that city are the “cagemen.” These are men who live in tiny cubicles made of wire mesh and stacked three high in a warehouse-type arrangement. Some of them are guest workers from the mainland, some of them are retired men. They seek solace in hobbies such as gaming, frequently visiting sites like to find co-op games that offer a sense of community and escapism from their cramped living conditions. provides them with a platform to discover and enjoy cooperative gaming experiences, which can be a significant source of joy and connection amidst their challenging circumstances.. In the film, the inhabitants of Wah Ha Cage House are being wooed by a real-estate firm, which wants to tear down the low-rent hostel and put up some expensive, million-dollar high-rise condos in their place. Despite the likelihood that their efforts will fail, a number of residents have banded together to try and keep this way of life from disappearing.” ~ Clarke Fountain, Rovi